Saturday, November 24, 2007

Long Long Time...

Oops! As the title says it has been a very long time since I last blogged!
Just checked and it was summer when I went to Paris! Quite a while indeed.
Well... what have I been up to? Not massive amounts really! Worked most of the summer, came back to uni in October, new flat, very nice! Just been slaving away at the coursework since! Oh and I went to Venice last week! Such a beautiful city :D Was quite lucky to get there considering I had 24 hr bug/food poisining the day before, so was quite weak on the way there, in fact for most of the trip, but still had an AMAZING time :D Everywhere you look in the city you are amazed at the beauty of it all! Its almost magical! We went on a gondola, which was just gorgeous, and we didn't get too ripped off! Hmm... what else did we get up to?
We stayed in a cute little B&B called Residenza Degli Angeli, run by Marco and Esmarelda(we didn't pick soley on their names... honest!), which was really nice, had wooden beams on the celing! We did a lot of walking around, just exploring side streets and loving the beauty of each canal we crossed! We went to piazza San Marco, where we had the most expensive coffee's of our lives (8 euros each), but in such a lovely setting we couldn't bring ourselves to care! We went into the Basillica, saw the treasure room and the golden alter piece, which made us stop and stare for at least 5 minutes. It was so ornate, filled with a million gems and gold. We went up the campanile in the square, making the mistake of going up just before the hour, meaning we experienced the bells first hand up very close!
We also visited the Doge's palace - I don't think I've ever seen a building quite so grand! Each room was GIGANTIC, and all decorated so ornately! Apart from the main sights we did a lot of walking around, being captivated by the gorgeous Murano glass, marvelling at the masks, eating(when I could manage it!) yummy italian food and genreally having a brilliant time!
Back to the real world though, and we came back to a lots of coursework :S There is an awful lot to do before christmas (not least starting christmas shopping!), I really need to buckle down and start doing it all(and maybe stopping writing this essay of a blog as procrastination would help!). I have quite a few large courseworks, and of course my individual project which I have been sucessfully ignoring for way too long now. Its not that I don't want to start doing it, its more that I don't really know where to start, and with such a far off deadline its really had to get myself to do it when there seems to be so many more pressing matters, i.e other courseworks. In reality its worth a lot more than all of the others, so I really should be getting on with it now!
Oh changing topics quickly and entirely, I've been to two wicked gigs this term! Saw Jose Gonzales earlier this term, who was just amazing. His voice was so perfect! At least as good as its recorded, if not better! Also saw Newton Faulkner last night! I must say that it was the funniest gig I have ever been to! He was such a character - telling little stories that made the whole crowd crack up between each song! And the way he plays the guitar is incredible, he uses it as a guitar and a percussion intrument at the same time and I have no idea how he plays and sings at the same time! Definatly someone to go see given the chance!
Right... I have loads more I could write(mainly about my future plans...) but I'll leave them for my next post so that I actually have a chance of getting any work done today!!!

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Sunday, May 27, 2007


Things I have learnt over the past week or so: Revision is bad, boring and I really don't want to do any more exams. Things I haven't learnt: anything to do with my subjects.
I have become a master of procratination. I don't seem to be able to concentrate on anything at the moment. My head is so dead from the mountain of coursework I've done since coming back from the Easter holidays that it refuses to concentrate on any revision :-S
I really want to do well in these exams, but with so much to do in so little time I'm not all that sure how I'm going to manage it...
I just can't wait till they're all over (June 5th!) - It will be so nice to start having a social life again!!! Seeing friends outside of exam rooms! Chilling in the flat - doing nothing what so ever! I really really can't wait!